A reclamation of your most authentic expression where ALL OF YOU is welcome. Your weird, your wild, your crazy, your soft, your tenderness, your sensuality, your pain, your ecstasy, your bliss, your fear. There is NOTHING too big, too much or not enough for this space. Here you are invited to move with it all and to let it move through you, as you continually welcome yourself home.
“There is a truth that moves through the sway of your hips, through the pulse of your heart, through the pumping of your blood, through the way your skin caresses the air and the air caresses your skin. There is a truth that moves through you, my love, there is a truth that moves you.”
Embodied Ecstatic dance is a facilitated dance journey that encourages free expression, breaking out of old patterns and letting the music move you into something new. This is a practice of letting your insides (or what is moving within) be expressed externally in a safe and non-judgemental space.

As you go through your dance journey, you may find yourself accessing parts of yourself that you haven’t in a while, you may find yourself letting go of the thinking mind and sinking into the present moment, you may find new pathways of movement and expression, that allow more freedom and flow in your external life.
We meet ourselves through the dance, so that we can meet ourselves and one another more fully and authentically in life.
Embodiment, when held in a safe and sacred container such as this, is one of the fastest and clearest ways to both witness and transform the continually arising thought patterns, a moving mediation.
There is no escaping yourself here and THIS is the transformational nature of dance.
Are you willing to meet yourself here?
I began my own journey with ecstatic dance after years of competitive sport, having training programs written for me, moving in a very linear way, always with an end goal and most often according to someone else’s instruction. Although I reached a high level in sport and have always loved moving my body, I had become disconnected from my intuition and from the joy of free movement.
Prior to arriving on the ecstatic dance floor, I would have said things like “I don’t dance”, or “I only enjoy dancing when I’m drunk”, what I was really saying was that I needed a substance to be able to express myself and that I was afraid of feeling all that I would feel if I allowed myself to dance without my senses being dulled and mind quietened by substances.
What I found on the ecstatic dance floor was the freedom I had been searching for in unhealthy places for most of my adult life. As my journey continued, ecstatic dance gifted me a space to express and move through emotions that I didn’t even know were there and most importantly it gifted me the freedom to be in my most authentic expression, however that looked and moved at the time.
I believe I am more myself in all areas of life because of my journey with ecstatic dance and am so grateful to be able to share the medicine of movement, as a tool to come home to oneself, with others.
I completed my Embodied Ecstatic Dance Facilitator Training with Sarsha Hope (Hope Wellness). In 2021 and assisted on the training in 2022. I will forever be a student to the wisdom of my own body.

Wednesday 8th Feb 6:30-8:30pm, at The Art Attic
Wednesday 8th March 6:30-8:30pm, at The Art Attic
Wednesday 12th April 6:30-8:30pm, at The Art Attic
“There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise.”
~ Gabrielle Roth
"I first met Sarah at a women's circle, ceremonial cacao and breath work session followed by ecstatic dance during a festival. There were open sides on our tent and it was unexpected being in such open vulnerability to do this work. The protective portal of space was carried out so beautifully in a group of maybe a hundred women, we felt safe within the container of her presence.
I was able to peacefully set intention, work through what arose and processed a huge amount of stuck pelvic trauma through involuntary shaking in the breath. I was amazed by her movement and the level of freedom she inspired within our own bodies!
Sarahs ability to hold safe space , inspire creativity, movement, and opening the gateway to my own healing has been invaluable to my spirit. I will forever be grateful for that ceremony. Thank you so much!"
I recently attended a retreat with Sarah. I've not really delved too much into breathwork or cacao before but I was curious about experiencing them. I've always felt a little nervous and unsure about attending retreats and events with people I don't know, initially I was on the fence but I felt like it would be really good for my life and for me.
I trusted that feeling and as soon as I arrived, I instantly felt a sense of peace and calm. I knew in my heart I was meant to be there. Sarah held such a beautiful and safe space that allowed all of me to unfold: the innocent parts of me, the wounded parts of me, the parts of me yearning for sisterhood, yearning for acceptance.
I shook my body and dived fully into the activities and I came out the other side, not a changed person, but more me - the me that I haven't felt for months because of life and to-do lists and work.
When I left, I felt so grounded, so open-hearted, so in my body - and I've continued to be aware of my breathing and my body in the weeks passing. Hands down one of the best experiences, and I'm so glad I jumped into it!"
"Sarah is a sacred space holder of true integrity. She is wise, strong, caring and has a powerful transmission in her offerings. With Sarah I feel safe and I always have profound experiences that are cathartic, empowering and liberating. For those seeking their way home, Sarah is the real deal."